Lesson schedule valid from 1 March.
Lesson schedule valid from 1 March.
Source: https://www.prispevky.cz/pojistovny/prispevky-zdravotnich-pojistoven-na-pohybove-aktivity
The insurance companies started focusing on preventive healthcare programs. These programs provide subsidies for physical activities as well as for nutrition advisors. Usually, the insurance companies support sport activities or healthy diet plans made by professionals as well as weight loss stays. The insurance companies require patient compliance when subsidizing healthy diet plans. Which insurance company offers the best benefits to its clients?
This insurance company offers 700CZK for regular physical activities like swimming, indoor tanning and massages. Clients are required to provide a proof of payment for a season ticket worth no less than 1500CZK.
It also offers preferential entry fees to some swimming pools. There are swiming pools that offer swimming for free.
This insurance companies doesn’t offer contributions for weight loss. It does offer entry fee discounts up to 20% for most physical activities. Registration at Vitakarta is required, free of charge.
This insurance company offers 500CZK for children between 7 and 18 as a contribution for STOB . Grownups can make use of a 50% discount for their physical activities if they register at MojeRBP.
VZP offers its clients 500CZK for a health plan or for physical activitities. Proof of payment must be for no less than 1500CZK. Children can get a contribution as high as 500CZK for school activities.
The insurance company offers contribution for both weight reduction and summer health stays, as long as a physician’s recommendation is provided.
This insurance company offers 500CZK for physical activities. It also helps financially women who have given birth and blood donors.
Lesson schedule valid from 1 March.
At AFIT, we keep growing!
Our legendary instructor is back from Sweden to join our team again!
Group class Strong Body headed by Majda Č. from this week.