New member of the AFIT team

At the end of June, we added a new member to the AFIT team. Nina is a recent graduate of an accredited course from the Vital Institute and by the same time a student at a secondary professional health school in the field of Nutritional assistant. At the age of 8, she started playing competitive volleyball, but over time fitness became her passion. One of their future goals is to participate in Bikini Fitness competitions, for which she is already carefully preparing. In her individual trainings, she likes to help with shaping the figure, reducing body weight or improving fitness.


4. 9. 2024

New autumn courses of the SM System

From August 20, 2024, you can register for the new Monday and Tuesday courses of the SM System, which start on September 30. More information can be found here.

4. 9. 2024

The DNS exercise returns from September 4 every Wednesday from 3:15 p.m. led by Vašek T.

The DNS (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization) exercise is an exercise concept that focuses on restoring and learning proper trunk stabilization of the locomotor system. The goal is to learn the correct setting of the center of the body, diaphragmatic breathing and subsequent strengthening of the deep stabilizing muscles.

4. 9. 2024

Midday TABATA is back!

Every Wednesday from September 4 at 11:50 Simča Č. is looking forward to you with a Tabata lesson.

4. 3. 2024

Schedule of group lessons from Monday 4 March 2024

On Monday, March 4, 2024, there will be minor changes in the schedule of group lessons at the AFIT center. All changes can be found here. Reservations can be made via the online reservation system, in the AFIT application or by calling the reception number 608 70 80 99.